Iron Horse Classic — Three days of bicycling events in Durango, featuring a 50-mile road bike tour, a gravel tour, road race, criterium, mountain bike race. The bike ride to Silverton caps at 2,500 cyclists; register early. Dates: May 27-28, 2023

2023 Ride the Rockies — The tour includes several mountain passes every year. 308 miles and 26,890 feet elevation gain in 2023. Check website for route and registration. Formerly sponsored by the Denver Post, the event is under new management — Ventures Endurance Events, a subsidiary of Gannett’s USA Today Network Ventures which also produces RAGBRAI. Dates: June 11-16, 2023
See also nonprofit Adventure Cycling Association bicycle tours offered in Colorado.
Also check out:
Bike the Byways — 25 scenic bicycle routes in Colorado for independent-minded bicyclists.
B Strong Ride — Benefits cancer care at the Center for Integrative Care at Boulder Community Hospital and also benefits the George Karl Foundation. Features a children’s ride and 3 options of 24 to 69 miles. Date: Aug. 12, 2023
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Do you know what has happened to the Colorado Rocky Mountain Bike Tour for 2017? I have not been able to find any information whatsoever about it for 2017. Even their website seems to have expired. I was hoping to do this one because I have to travel for work during the BTOC, and I don’t like the logistics problems the RTR presents. You would think hte CRMBT would have something up on some website by now, but I can’t find any information on the internet at all about it.
Hey Gary…. I’m not finding anything for this ride, either. The website looks like it’s been taken over by a German dating service… the phone number listed on the Facebook page has been disconnected. I’ll keep trying, but I’m thinking this one is toast.
I did CRMBt’s in 2013, 14 and 15. I did not ride in 2016 which was their 10th. Instead I did a self-contained solo bike tour on the west coast down PCH1. It is my understand 2016 was their last year. I really liked this tour. You were well taken care of and their limit was 500 riders. It is my understand 2016 was to be their last tour because of not enough participants. The group seemed to be staying between 150 and 275. They needed to be closer to 500 to maintain all of the cost for setting up everything from the schools you stayed and to the permits needed. It is unfortunate. Peter and staff put in a lot of hard, time consuming, work to put the tour on. They were a lot of fun. The people and riders were great to meet and ride with. I for one will miss them.
Hi! This is a great resource ….thank-you so much for putting it together!
A side note this is the 23rd year for Bicycle Tour of Colorado………not 2nd.
A great ride by the way….did it 2 years ago.
Thanks again!
Thanks for pointing out the error. I’ve been including the Bicycle Tour of Colorado among the cross-state bike tours for at least 10 years and should have spotted that!
I am so incredibly sad and angered by this Colorado group that is shortchanging my band kids and a number of other well-meaning non-profits in our area. That group would be the Bicycle Tour of Colorado The Delta High School Band Parents were contacted through the Chamber of Commerce ( I am NOT blaming them in any way as they are a victim as well) about a fundraising opportunity for our band kids for the upcoming marching season. This opportunity was providing a breakfast meal for the participants in the bicycle tour in the wee hours of the morning. We had a hearty group of parents and students that were up early ( or most of the night) preparing a meal for the participants ( not just A meal but different things to meet every possible special diet) for this fundraiser we were to be paid $1800 dollars ( of which $700 was expenses) so the profit would go to the band parent fund to help with the upcoming marching band season for travel, misc. instrumental items, prop and other things. We did the work and were written a check. A check that did NOT clear. Upon contacting the tour organizer Bicycle Tour Of Colorado – they stated that their funding did not come through and they have NO money and they don’t know when they will have money. This is after we tried calling their phone has been disconnected, their website has no information on it, we had to email a generic email address in hopes of getting a response. We were never told of financial troubles until the check did not clear the bank. So we do not get paid, as well as many others in the area for their services provided. I am so upset as this has put our band parent organization under strain as we were counting on that $1800 to be available for use and our reserve fund is taking a major hit. My question is – why would you run a tour if you had not fully secured your funding for the entire trip? How many other groups across the towns that they came through did not get paid either? Please feel free to share and get the word out that this group does not follow through on commitments. We are out $1800 much-needed dollars for our program.